Information design / Infographic / Data visualization

Information design

Editing and visualization of languages

How to separate complex information into small chunks or replace a short, hard, dense paper

Information design principles

1. Before you work, make a wide and detailed survey of your materials.

2. If information is of media that needs information design continuously, such as newspaper or magazine, make design guidelines that specify line thickness, font, symbols, abbreviations, and color numbers.

3. Design the decorative elements consistently, such as lines, arrows, boxes, numbers, and shadow effects.

4. Focus on the order of importance, on the order of interest.

5. Give all images a step with a logical order.

6. Avoid complicated text-oriented details by applying the same font and color.


Practicability and readability of information design by leveraging elements of graphical design, such as color, typography, illustration, and diagram to visually alter hard and complex information, and by creating a hierarchical design order of magnitude and by making it easier to view in complex information.

Information architecture

The technologies and principles behind structuring and organizing information within a system are called ' information structures ' or information architectures by web developers and user-experience designers. In the industry, the term information architecture is more popular.

About Architecture Types

- List : Associated information with the same attributes is a structure that is lined up in order.

- Table : Structure consisting of rows and columns to compare or classify and understand interconnected information.

- Hierarchy : A tree hierarchy in which a subset of information from a parent's information set is divided into branches.

- Graph : With information as a point, the relationship is a set of lines and there is no layer between the information structures. Subway route map is typical.

- Diagram : A typical flow structure that shows the interrelationship and flow between each information using points, lines, symbols, and figures.

Data visualization

Data visualization is the first step in an information design, and is about finding hidden narratives of data based on the results of data analytics to maximize features and make information easier to understand.

A vast amount of complex data is presented in a visual order and form with a controlled color, brightness, and arrangement that enables the user to quickly and easily interpret the data in an easy way.

The aim is to communicate key information clearly and effectively through the means of figures, diagrams, graphs, and illustrations.

How data visualization is designed

1. Identify the type of data and how it is delivered.

2. Research the users ' tasks, requirements, and needs to set goals for visualization.

3. Analyze the collected data quantitatively and statistically.

4. Identify what criteria the user will classify the data and what it relates to.

5. Identify which data the user recognizes first.

6. The data to be visualized according to the user's data recognition principle is compressed by feature and importance.

7. Data of similar characteristics are grouped together to form relationships between data.

8. Place the screen visually consistent, taking into consideration the screen environment in which the data will be provided.

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